Standard Dimension

The specification mentioned below cover core type, oil immersed, natural self cooled distribution transformers suitable for both outdoor and indoor installation.

Temperature Rise
(Above Ambient Temperature)
Top Oil 50 C
Windings 55 C
LENGTH (mm) WIDTH (mm) HEIGHT (mm) OIL ( Ltrs) WEIGHT (Kgs) LENGTH (mm) WIDTH (mm) HEIGHT (mm) OIL ( Ltrs) WEIGHT (Kgs) 11KV 33KV
25 3 970 600 1040 80 450 1450 650 1570 220 560 75 120 460 4
50 3 1000 600 1060 120 550 1470 670 `1580 250 685 120 140 750 4
75 3 1030 710 2000 125 630 1480 700 1640 345 800 170 215 1000 4
100 3 1140 740 1140 200 845 1500 750 1680 410 1030 220 290 1210 4
125 3 1150 750 1150 220 940 1550 780 1720 450 1180 255 365 1430 4
150 3 1220 780 1270 250 1105 1570 800 1740 480 1230 295 445 1675 4
200 3 1290 850 1390 330 1335 1610 840 1830 510 1490 365 500 2100 4
250 3 1350 880 1410 350 1415 1690 910 1920 550 1560 455 700 2550 4
300 3 1380 890 1440 400 1610 1750 1015 1960 630 1830 550 730 3000 4
350 3 1410 920 1485 415 1790 1780 1030 1980 650 1860 650 900 3550 4
400 3 1430 935 1525 450 1920 1850 1060 2040 720 1990 745 960 4025 4
500 3 1650 1080 1860 530 2200 1940 1120 2080 760 2300 960 1100 5150 4
630 3 1670 1080 1880 650 2550 1980 1150 2130 810 2700 1200 1300 6800 4
800 3 1860 2300 2150 1200 3150 2140 2300 2200 1250 3300 1300 1400 11000 5
1000 3 2100 2500 2450 1300 3400 2350 2550 2500 1370 3650 1500 1600 13000 5
1250 3 2300 2700 2350 1350 3950 2500 2750 2640 1430 4310 1600 1700 14500 5
1600 3 2400 2650 2490 1380 4889 2550 2800 2680 1510 4870 2000 2100 17000 6.25
2000 3 2450 2800 2550 1440 4855 2600 2880 2770 1690 5950 2600 2700 20000 6.25
**Values of Dimensions, Weights and Volumes are approximate
Given loss values are on the basis of current loss values provided by Nepal Electricity Authority

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